Thursday, March 17, 2011

Japan Postponed - Chicago Certain

Just a quick little update so let the ghosts that read this blog for me about what's going on.

Due to the earthquake/tsunami in Japan last week, I'll be waiting an extra year for my trip there. This isn't a bad thing, since it'll give me extra time to save up money.

Also, the Chicago trip is definitely happening now. I'll be taking a train down to Union Station and I'm gonna have some extra time that afternoon (May 19) before I need to be at the convention I'm headed to. Anybody with any info on good places to eat or stuff to see that isn't too far from Union Station, let me know; I'd love to check it all out!

Anyways, that's my short update. If you've read this, leave a comment so I don't feel like this is all in vein. Thanks, and have a happy St. Patty's Day!

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